
A New World Order? (2 Peter 3:10-13)

The pressing message Peter wants to get across is that the promise of Christ’s coming is sure because it originates from the God who never balked on one promise He’s made. Peter also pushes the importance of holy conduct, righteousness fitting for a divine being, in light of the manner in which the world will be judged and made new (or perhaps, renovated). Eschatology is supremely important for ethical behavior. The very attack on the promise of Christ’s coming by the pseudo prophets fits with their vile behavior. Their cancerous and infectious conduct must be avoided as must their teaching when it comes. The very fact that they do not expect Christ to come back at all renders them unprepared when he comes like a thief to judge them. Not only is righteous behavior fitting for judgment day it is proper in light of the manner the world is judged. The cosmic system is decimated with fire and deafening tumults that should only lead to fear of God. The godliness brought forth by the saints carries with it another important element. They must be patient as they wait for this day. Peter hints that there may seem to be a delay but that is only because God is bringing in all those who will repent. The patience of God turns out to favor only those who produce repentance for the unrepentant are only lulled by willful forgetfulness into not expecting judgment and eternal punishment. The faithful adhere to ancient promises and recall times when God produced a previous day like the day of the Lord (i.e. the Flood) and the unfaithful forget. Peter has reminded the readers several times concerning this certain outcome and has in place reminders from other people when he departs. The present world and the righteousness produced in keeping with the gospel only prepares believers for the new world where only the righteous are allowed in. The door of history will only close on the ungodly while a new era will begin for those who stayed true to Christ.

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